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3-In-One 118Ml


Product Overview

Used to lubricate moving parts, penetrate rust, clean and protect tools, and much more

Features & Benefits

  • Telescoping Marksman Spout comes in handy when precise control is required
  • Used to lubricate moving parts, penetrate rust, clean and protect tools, and much more


Appearance/physical state Gas/Aerosol
Auto-ignition temperature Not established
Boiling point/range 158°F (~70.2°C)
Container Size 118 ml
Evaporation Rate <lt/> 1 (Ethyl Ether =1)
Flammability limit Flammability limit - lower (%) 1.8%, Flammability limit - upper (%) 9.5%
Net Contents 11 wt. oz./312 g/451 mL
Partition coefficient Not established
Percent volatile 65
Propellant Petroleum Gases, Liquefied,Sweetened
Specification Timken Steel
Vapor density 2 - 3 (air = 1)
Vapor pressure 2500 - 3500 mm Hg @20°C(calculated aerosol)
VOC Content 65% per State and FederalConsumer Product Regulations